It Must Be the Catcha-ma-whats-it This Time

Honestly, every time I was on the phone dealing with one more thing, I’d hear in the background “He’s faithful, so faithful, He proved He was faithful time and again.” And I’d take a deep breath and another step.

That’s what’s on my heart to share with you today. Even though

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

We are still living in a broken world with an enemy that hates us as much as God loves us.


There is not one moment of our lives that God is not aware of us. There’s not one moment of our lives that He is not watchful over us and there is not one moment of our lives that He will leave us alone to navigate this broken world.

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Nancy Bryan
Let Them Burn

The struggle is our vision. What do we see? Do we see that we are hedged in, pressed, on every side? Do we see that we are troubled and oppressed in every way? Do we relive the embarassements we’ve suffered, unable to find a way out? Or do we see that given his best shots, the prince of the powers of darkness is still screaming at the top of his lungs,


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Nancy Bryan
Send It Back to Hell

EVERY promise from God is available to you. Old Testament, New Testament. No Word that He ever uttered out of His mouth has passed away.

Jesus is our YES and the authority of His name is higher than Satan’s taunt of “prepare for a let-down”.

It’s time friends. If you are a child of God then it is time to kick out the spirit of craven, cringing and fawning fear that has been clinging to you for dear life. It’s time to take on the spirit that God has given us.

It’s time to recognize the real source of the weight that you have been trying to carry. It’s not God. He offered to be your source of strength, He offered to carry the weight for you (Matthew 11:28).

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Nancy Bryan Comment
Did You Ask God?

No faultfinding, reproach or withholding. God is waiting for us to ask Him for wisdom. One thing that He keeps telling me in my time with Him is that wisdom isn’t just knowledge or information. It is also what we should do with the knowledge and information that we have. How do we process the information, what does it mean and what do we do with the information we have?

God has good plans for us, plans for peace and not for evil, to give us a hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11 AMPC). Are we doing our part to see those plans come to pass? If we do not include God in our choices then He cannot be responsible for their outcome.

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Nancy Bryan Comment
It's Not Mine

A medication advertisement came on the television this morning. It was on YouTube, so of course, we had to watch the first few seconds before we could skip. I’ll admit, I watched longer than required. Honestly, I don’t even remember what the medicine was for, but my heart is still aching because of the what she said…She said, MY ___________. Whatever the disease was, she called it her own. It belonged to her. She identified with it and she counted it as part of her identity. Friends, brothers, sisters in Christ, if you belong to Jesus then He has taken every sickness that was created as a consequence of sin.

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Nancy Bryan Comments
Harvesting Is Multi-Generational

Hear me friends!! It will take us all; old and young laboring in the field together.

Young believers, we have got to have the staying power, the grounding and the wisdom of those older than us. Fire spreads, but if we don’t know how to foster His presence and stand our ground in the face of Satan’s attacks, disappointment will distinguish us. We must listen to those who have plowed before us. Their experience is invaluable. In the same way that I know the hot stove will burn my children, it is necessary that we learn from mentors in the faith. The taskmasters may not look like Egyptians anymore, but the bondage is the same. The tools the enemy used 25 years ago may not be used today, but his tactics have not changed.

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Nancy BryanComment
Restoring Me Piece by Piece

He takes the pieces, the shatters, the piles- filthy- not necessarily from our sin and wrong choices- but because we live (exist) in this fallen world…

He takes them- grief, sorrow, abandonment- every shade of filth that the enemy has doused over our lives- and He redeems and restores. He washes our wounds with His and redeems what the enemy intended to destroy us.

He sees us restored before we can comprehend it’s possibility. He calls us whole when we still feel broken. He is the God Who, according to Romans 4, gives life to the dead and speaks of the nonexistent things as if they already existed.

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Nancy BryanComment
Don't Plant Pumpkins In Plastic

I looked at the dried up vines and then I pulled back a piece of plastic to find weeds, weeds and more weeds. The plastic hadn’t prevented the weeds from growing, it had just kept them hidden from me. Now there was real tending that had to happen. No more hiding, no more covering it up. In my effort to reduce the amount of time and energy required to have a garden (and a harvest), I had created more work... AND delayed my harvest.

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Nancy BryanComment
Nobody Likes a Wad

A situation arises and we go slam off the deep end playing and replaying outrageous scenarios that couldn’t even happen in the movies. We become exhausted at trying to figure out “what God might be doing” all the while Holy Spirit waits patiently for us to ask Him to shed some light.

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Nancy Bryan Comments
Can't or Won't?

...That was me. I said it. I’ll admit. And after a moment of silence, the sweet voice of Holy Spirit said, “Can’t or won’t? What if I ask you to do it? Would that make a difference?”.

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Nancy Bryan
The Only Place It is Possible

What is your impossible? Right now.

What is it that looks beyond your reach. What picture is the enemy holding in front of your face while he laughs at your desperation? 

What dream, what healing, what freedom looks impossible?

Don’t be afraid to believe. 

You haven’t made too many wrong choices.

There aren’t too many strikes against you.

It isn’t impossible.

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Kendall Tart