"It's Here!" : A New Year Filled with Promise

I don’t know that I have ever looked forward to a new year like I have for this one. Not that 2018 was a bad year- there were several high points. It just felt like there was a real battle going on for every step forward we made.

I’m ready to walk into a fresh start; leaving everything that hindered our advancement behind us- where it belongs.

I believe that 2019 will be one for the books. It’s no secret that God is moving. Holy Spirit is speaking the same message across the Body of Christ. Get Ready! For almost a year now, Holy Spirit has continuously spoken the phrase “It’s coming!”.

That is no longer the phrase, now “It’s here!”.

The Divine has lined up with time and now He is here to pour out His Spirit, His power and His glory on His children. Are you ready? I AM!!

In one of my recent Daily Devos, Holy Spirit drew my attention to a phrase in Luke 2:6

…And the days were accomplished that she should be delivered…

I believe  that is where we are. The days are accomplished and I am delivered!

We must be established in Him in order to be able to experience all He wants to share with us.

What does that mean? To be established? I always think of the pecan tree in my back yard. It is majestic! It is grand- and it isn’t going anywhere…. It was here long before my house was. It covers our entire back yard. It is established. It is firmly planted; stable and settled.

We must be the same way. We must have roots deep in the Word of God. These roots hold us in place, keeping us firmly planted from fight to finale. They keep us grounded during the difficult times in our life. They provide nourishment while we are producing fruit and they hold us in strength so that everything we put our hand to will grow to maturity- we’ll make it to enjoy the harvest of our labors.

How do we become established in God? The same way we develop any relationship. We spend time with Him! Talk to Him. He has given us a lavish love letter that let’s us see every detail of Who He is, His character and His love. That, of course, is the Bible. If the enemy (Satan) has kept you too intimidated to read it. Tell him, “Not today! Imma get mine!”

I want you to get yours! I want you to get EVERYTHING God has in store for you. The things He’s planned for your life are better than your best dreams! He knows you. He designed you. He gifted you…..

…and He loves you!

Get ready! Let’s go! It’s here!

Yours Truly,

Nancy Jo

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