Harvesting Is Multi-Generational

This has been on my heart for months now and it’s time to share it with you.

My family and I visited a beautiful apple orchard in Ararat, Virginia this past weekend with my mom. We’ve been going up to Windy Hill Orchards for three years now and every visit we fall more in love with it.

I was snapping pictures of Joseph figuring out the proper use of the apple picker and David using his like the rod of Moses when I captured the title picture for this blog.

It stopped me in my tracks. As I looked at this picture I heard the voice of Holy Spirit so strong, as strong as I have ever heard Him,

Harvesting is multi-generational

And you know what? He’s right.

If we, the church, are going to bring in the plentiful harvest Jesus refers to in Matthew 9, then we better determine to work together. Half of a body is useless.

Hear me friends!!

It will take us all; old and young laboring in the field together.

Young believers, we have got to have the staying power, the grounding and the wisdom of those older than us. Fire spreads, but if we don’t know how to foster His presence and stand our ground in the face of Satan’s attacks, disappointment will distinguish us.

We must listen to those who have plowed before us. Their experience is invaluable. In the same way that I know the hot stove will burn my children, those older than us know things that we do not. It is necessary that we learn from mentors in the faith.

The taskmasters may not look like Egyptians anymore, but the bondage is the same. The tools the enemy used 25 years ago may not be used today, but his tactics have not changed.

May we have a teachable spirit.

Those of you who are in the older generation- you have to have the fire, passion and excitement of the ones coming behind you. It is necessary for you to catch the fire afresh. Allow the passion and vibrancy of our desire to see God’s Spirit move among us reignite your determination. Allow us to do some heavy lifting. We want you to see the outpouring of God’s Spirit that you’ve hoped for.

May we be a constant reminder to you of Caleb, who at 85, told Joshua

Give me this mountain, I am as strong today as I was 40 years ago

Never underestimate your value. Satan would love for you to believe the lie that you are finished, that you have nothing more to contribute and that the younger generation just wants you to move out of the way. Your wisdom is precious to the body of Christ; your understanding is necessary.

Proverbs 20:29 (AMPC)

The glory of young men is their strength, and the beauty of old men is their gray head [suggesting wisdom and experience].

Let’s dig into this verse a little. The English word “glory” used here, describes ability in the original Hebrew. It is what the young men are good at and a cause for pride. The young take pride in their strength, energy and stamina.

In the original Hebrew, the English word “beauty” used here, describes an ornament and splendor. It is a quality that lends grace and beauty and it is adorning.

Think about this: The young have strength and the old have wisdom. Both are necessary to the body of Christ. Let us never be concerned with who receives the credit but let us always remember the shoulders on which we stand.

Our only goal is the advancement of God’s Kingdom.

An army filled with young men and women who have ears to heed the instructions of those wiser will be unstoppable. We will have both the longevity to withstand the fight and the intellect to recognize the snares of the enemy.

When we join our gifts to complete the body of Christ, we will see the outpouring of His Spirit and the harvest of souls come into the Kingdom.

And we will have the strength and intelligence to handle the harvest.

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