Uncommon Girl : Volume 2

Uncommon Girl : Volume 2


Volume 2

Think for a moment: Have you ever had thoughts like these?

  • I’ll never be good enough

  • I don’t ever want to see those people again

  • How can I be nice to them?

  • There’s NO way I can do that!

I want to tell you two things: One- you are not alone and Two- there is a way! Galatians 2:20 tells us, “I am crucified with Christ and yet, I live, not I, but Christ who lives in me…” You see, once we’ve given our lives to Jesus, it is Him in us Who makes things possible. I can do all things through Christ who infuses inner strength into me. So whether it’s respecting your parents or facing “friends” who have turned their back on you, there is a way, and it is Jesus. Yes, I know He was perfect but that's what we're learning. He lives in us! His perfect Spirit lives in us, making us perfect like He was! You can respect your parents when they make you furious. You can love the people at school who make your life miserable and you can do it with a smile on your face and the joy of the Lord in your heart. I know this sounds like a stretch, it isn't common; its' uncommon, and you're an UnCommon Girl! I’m ready for life free and clear, are you?

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