Preparing a Table

Preparing a Table


This is not a diet, this is LIFE!

Jesus said He came that we would have life MORE abundantly. There is a way to steward this body, God’s sanctuary, and LIVE…with a job AND a husband AND kids AND all the things that are a wonderful part of our abundant lives.

It starts with baby steps. Every ingredient we substitute for a whole food is a step in the direction of life. I don’t pretend to have my ducks in a row, or even in the same pond, but I have found out that God has an empowering GRACE to teach and enable us to care for our bodies. It is His plan that we be here, on earth, to be His hands and feet. He doesn’t want broken down, exhausted, diseased hands and feet. He wants hands and feet that are ready to act on His behalf. This isn’t the “end all, only way, if you don’t do it like this you’re wrong”. This is a starting point. This is what I have found that works for me and I am ecstatic to share it with you. Let’s get your table ready!

Preparing a Table is a whole foods, clean eating cookbook with over 20 recipes, tips and Scripture.

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